
How To Draw Middle Ages Animed Men

New volume helps artistskeep their oji-san divide from their oni-san.

What with the huge quantity of anime and manga produced in Japan, it's no secret that the country has a real passion for illustration. Because of that, Japanese publishers offer a wide variety of reference books for budding artists, with different guides covering different character types or situations.

In full general, though, the models or sample illustrations in these books feature young men and women. It makes sense, since the vast majority of prominent anime and manga characters are in their teens or early on 20s. However, publisher Hobby Japan realizes that instead of a bunch of wet-behind-the-ears loftier schoolers, some creators desire to arts and crafts stories near mature gentlemen, and so has released a new volume titled How to Draw and Differentiate Oji-san.

▼ Archetypes such as kindly scientists and shibui crime bosses are covered.

The word oji-san literally translates as "uncle," and is used to refer to a man in between the young oni-san ("big brother") and ojii-san ("grandfather") stages of life.

▼ The section on facial structure seems to broadly set up the oji-san range equally between the ages of xxx and 69.

▼ The dude in the straight-collar shirt at the top right has a real Masami Obari thing going on.

One of the issues that How to Draw and Differentiate Oji-san hopes to assistance struggling artists with is an over-reliance on simply adding a bunch of wrinkles to an otherwise youthful character design, or going overboard in body language and making what should be a heart-aged human look like an elderly one. To that end, you'll discover descriptions and visual examples of appropriate oji-san posture and musculature.

▼ Is that Patlabor'southward Captain Goto in the upper right?

Given the possible stop objective of many users of an all-male drawing guide, in that location's besides special attention given to hands, for which expressive artwork tends to exist highly valued in certain circles.

Artist and author YANAMi too provides detailed commentary on oji-san wear and accessories, including glasses, for those characters whose eyesight has weakened subsequently decades of life on the forepart lines of their called professional fields.

There's also a side-past-side comparing showing an oji-san standing next to a younger grapheme, to further help users spot the differences.

In the higher up illustrations, nosotros're guessing the private parts are rendered as they are for the sake of modesty, and not to suggest that characters in a world that includes oji-san all take girthy, truncated junk. Given that How to Draw and Differentiate Oji-san (which can be ordered here through Amazon Japan for 2,052 yen [US$19]) carries the subtitle "Face and Torso" edition, perhaps more than detailed techniques for specific parts of the anatomy are being planned for future volumes in the series.

Source: Hobby Japan via IT Media
Images: Amazon Japan/YANAMi (edited by RocketNews24)


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