
How To Animate Vector Graphics In After Effects

In this lesson you will learn how to take a logo design and prep it for work in Adobe Later on Effects.

At some point in your Later Effects animation journey, you're going be given a set up of full-on designs from a designer or some other third-party and these will not ever be gear up to animate.

Sometimes they need a fiddling flake of massaging in either Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Photoshop to be able to go them ready to work with an Adobe Subsequently Effects and that's the instance we are going to explore here.

burger logo burger logo burger logo

This pattern was provided for me to prepare for animation. To follow along yous can utilize your own logo or find one of the many logo designs on the Envato Elements Website.

envato elements envato elements envato elements

At present if I were to import this illustrator file into After Furnishings the way it is now, information technology would import equally a flat layer. This means that I wouldn't accept access to all of these private elements such every bit the text, the buns, the speed lines, and other individual elements that brand up the logo illustration. We need to instead to accept this logo from Adobe Illustrator and prep it for animation in Adobe Afterward Effects. This skill is extremely useful and it'due south the kind of thing that y'all do a lot when you're working with larger teams.

Prepare the Logo in Adobe Illustrator

The commencement thing that I would exercise is in Illustrator if you don't run into the Layers console pulled upwards, come over here to window and make certain you have up the Layers Panel(Window > Layers).

layers panel layers panel layers panel

Select the height layer and so click on the card push on the top correct. ChooseRelease to Layers Sequence.

choose layer sequence choose layer sequence choose layer sequence

What that's going to do is essentially take all of those elements that are congenital into this layer and put them on their own layer. Just select them and click and drag them downwardly and then that they're on their ain individual layers. You can tell that they're using divide layers as they now use different colors, which is shown to the left of each layer.

drag the layers down drag the layers down drag the layers down

Now if I were to import this into Afterward Effects as it is currently, nosotros'd have access to all the individual layers. Let's go a niggling bit further and make this fifty-fifty better. Go through the layers and rename them so they are hands identifiable in After Effects. Double click on a layer to exercise this.

change the name of the layers change the name of the layers change the name of the layers

If you if you double-click simply to the right of the proper name, information technology'll bring up the layer options where you lot can change things like the layer colour for case.

change layer color change layer color change layer color

How to Import Your Prepped Logo to Adobe After Effects

Once you're happy with the way your layers expect, information technology's time to import those avails. To do this go into Adobe After Furnishings and double-click in the empty grey infinite of the Project Panel. This will bring up the import window, where we tin navigate to where your file is located to import information technology in.

double click on empty space double click on empty space double click on empty space

From at that place I'll get a dialog box with a couple of options to cull from. Make certain to choose Limerick instead of Footage. Footage will import in a apartment file whereas composition will bring it in with all the layers.

Underneath footage dimensions, you tin choose to have information technology imported with the original Layer Size as opposed to the document size. Layer size makes the bounding box of the individual layers fit around the layers instead of being the entire size of the document. Click OK and nosotros'll bring that in.

import options import options import options

In the Project Panel, double click the composition to open up information technology up. Now you tin encounter that you take imported the logo with all the layers intact. We tin now use these layers for animation!

How to Animate the Text

Commencement let'due south check the composition settings of the logo. Yous can do this past right clicking on the composition tab or by going toLimerick > Composition Settings.

select composition settings select composition settings select composition settings

Make certain you are happy with the settings here. In this project for example we are using the post-obit:

  • Width: 1920 pixels
  • Pinnacle: 1080 pixels
  • Frame Rate: 29.97
  • Elapsing: 5 seconds
composition settings composition settings composition settings

Let's get to work on animating this logo. Now for the text we have a couple of options. We can either piece of work with the text layer that we accept imported in, or we tin use an bodily text layer which will give us more animation options.

To do this let's caput back into Adobe Illustrator and copy the text from the logo using Control - C.

burger text burger text burger text

Then head back into Adobe After Effects, apply theHorizontal Blazon Tool (T) to then click on your limerick and paste the text in using Control - V.

From there use theGraphic symbol PanelandParagraph Consoleto adjust the text and so that it lines up most exactly how it is on the logo. Now if we wanted to use the text animator in After Effects we can do and then using the new text layer.

paste text paste text paste text

If you want to use the same font every bit the example here you can download it from Envato Elemets using the link below:

  • Original Burger Font
burger font burger font burger font

To animate the imported text vector layer instead, click on the text layer. Hit Q on the keyboard to bring upward the Rectangle Tool and just draw a rectangular mask effectually the discussion 'BEST'.

draw rectangle draw rectangle draw rectangle

Now rename the layer to 'Best Text'.

rename layer rename layer rename layer

At present duplicate the layer by pressing Control - Dand rename this 'Burger Text'.

rename duplicate layer rename duplicate layer rename duplicate layer

And then on the Burger Text layer, double click the Mask and use the transform handles so that the mask covers the 'BURGER' text.

cover the burger text cover the burger text cover the burger text

Select both of these layers and then hitControl - Alt - Home to recenter the anchor points in the middle of the layers.

center anchor points center anchor points center anchor points

With my Best Text layer selected, hitS to bring up the scale options. Click the stopwatch icon to insert a central frame on the eighth frame.

scale eighth frame scale eighth frame scale eighth frame

At present get back to the beginning of the timeline and scale this upward to an absurd amount then no one can encounter it.

scale text scale text scale text

Make sure to turn on the 'Continuously Rasterize' button for all the layers and then that the text and other elements of the logo remain sharp every bit nosotros animate them.

continuously rasterize continuously rasterize continuously rasterize

Select the 2 keyframes, then right click them. Go toKeyframe Assistant > Exponential Scale.

exponential scale exponential scale exponential scale

Now let's head into theGraph Editorto run across how the scale has an exponential curve to it. Which will give out text a smoother animation.

graph editor graph editor graph editor

We can besides adapt the animation to brand it longer or shorter past first selecting all the keyframes. Concord down theAltpush on the keyboard and catch the last primal frame with the mouse. From there click and drag the mouse to move it left or right forth the timeline to brand the animation slower or faster.

extend the animation extend the animation extend the animation

How to Animate Text Using a Photographic camera

And so that's i way that you tin exercise it. Another fashion, which is somewhat similar, is we tin add a 3D virtual camera in hither. To do this go toLayer > New > Photographic camera.

new camera new camera new camera

Choose 35 millimetres.

camera presets camera presets camera presets

Make the two text layers 3D layers by checking the 3D layer box adjacent to each layer.

3d layers 3d layers 3d layers

Now instead of animating the calibration, we can animate the position instead, which volition give us a similar looking animation with less keyframes. Go to frame eight in the timeline again and drop a position keyframe past clicking on the stopwatch icon next to the position option of your text layer.

position keyframe position keyframe position keyframe

Come up back to the starting time of the timeline and and so use the z axis here and move the text in the z management then that it goes out of the screen beyond the camera.

move text position move text position move text position

Y'all can also adapt the y axis and 10 axis and then that the travel line is straight.

adjust travel line adjust travel line adjust travel line

You lot can then adjust the speed of the blitheness by moving the second keyframe left or right along the timeline. Repeat the same steps on the other text layer to indistinguishable the animation.

duplicate animation duplicate animation duplicate animation

Now to brand the animation expect more than interesting, we can first pull my burger text layer down below the best text layer. And then push information technology downwardly the timeline to the right by just a niggling bit to offset the animation.

offset the animation offset the animation offset the animation

Click on theEnable Motion Blurbox on each text layer to better the blitheness even more.

motion blur motion blur motion blur


final logo final logo final logo

Congratulations! And that's how you can ready your logo for animation and animate the text of your logo in Adobe Later on Effects. Now that you lot've learned the nuts, check out some of the other tutorials we have on Adobe After Furnishings below.

I hope you've found this tutorial useful and I'll run into you adjacent time on Envato Tuts+!

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